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Join Loan Officer NetworX

Welcome Insurance Agents

Loan Officer NetworX was created to service Insurance agents, loan officers, and other financial professionals who want that extra “edge.”  The edge that we offer helps individuals to become more fully rounded financial professionals, while offering the lucrative services of being a loan officer, in addition to being a Insurance Agent Agent.

Your association with Loan Officer NetworX can substantially increase your income by offering home loan services yourself instead of referring it out to another person. 

Loan Officer NetworX has announced two significant mortgage-marketing innovations that are delivering “an industry changing event”, increasing income potential for anyone in  (or considering entering) the mortgage origination profession.

Being Insurance Agent professionals you are exposed to all of your client’s financial background and needs.  Many Insurance Agent professionals are looking at Loan Officer NetworX as avenue to servicing the mortgage needs for their clients and increasing their potential income.   Just as in the Insurance Agent industry, our company has an easy to use internet based software system that makes you an expert in the mortgage business without special licensing requirements or an extensive education process. You can be doing both residential and commercial loans in a matter of hours using our system.  With our system you can have approved residential loans completely submitted in less than 20 minutes; all paperless and with no headaches.

Virtual Loan Officer

Our system searches over 3000 different loans for you allowing you to get fully underwritten loan approvals in less than a minute. Our system gives you the control to improve the pricing for your client and the profits to you at the same time, all with real time approvals in a minute. We process and close the loans for you, that way you get faster closings and earn more.

Most Insurance Agent professionals nationwide who are in the loan business do not search lenders in the sub-prime market. This segment of the industry is relationship based and a loan file will normally be submitted to one lender at a time with the expectation that they will be able to close the loan promptly. Most lenders do not get back to you in a timely manner so most brokers focus on A-Paper. This reason is why most Insurance Agent professionals do not enter the loan arena.  Insurance Agent professionals think it is complicated and can cause problems with service.

Not anymore! Our system, the ONLY one like it in the industry, has the ability to do all that work for you and automates it. No paperwork. No calculators. No complicated rate sheets. We offer an all-paperless business for the agent.  It’s a sub-prime lending machine as well as an A-paper lending system. We offer FREE or low cost training with the   trainers that the industry has to offer. We offer many things, far too many to mention here.


As you review the Mega Broker Commission System please keep in mind that we are calculating the compensation earned by any loan originator in our system with significant changes from the standard loan officer contract offered by mortgage brokers nationwide.


Traditionally, a mortgage broker will hire a new loan officer or Insurance Agent professional based on their experience and existing loan volume (if any). The standard split may start at 50% and go up to usually a cap of 80% of the origination fee and yield spread.  Once well trained it is also possible for a loan officer to negotiate a 100% net branch contract, as many associates have done in the traditional system, thus making them competition instead of remaining under their chain of command

Just like in the Insurance Agent business…

A loan officer or Insurance Agent professionals has no incentive to introduce other producing professionals to the broker, because if they do recruit other professionals, the broker gets the commission split from each new recruit not the introducing loan officer or Insurance Agent professional. There is no payoff to that person.  In addition, brokers traditionally have very little incentive to train loan officers or Insurance Agent professionals to be top producers. To do so means they will probably leave the broker and become brokers themselves, or they will go get a 100% contract with a net branch.  Instead of working together toward a common goal each individual is looking out for “their own” interests.   In many cases they become your competition.

What good does that do for you and your company?

These problems are eliminated with our compensation plan.  We promote our loan officers based on the number of loans they are responsible for closing, both directly and indirectly. This is done through the process of direct and relational recruiting of other professionals into your network. 

Example: If an associate that you at your company signs up with us closes 2 mortgages per month and recruits 5 additional loan originators or Insurance Agent professionals to your company with the same 2 loan volume each, we credit this managing loan originator for the true loan volume for which he is responsible.

In this example the agent has 2 personal + 10 indirect for a total of 12 mortgage closes per month in their NetworX. He would be earning a 70% personal contract with us. And since the five loan originators in this example would be at a 50% contract, he would receive the spread between his contract and each of theirs, in this case it would be 20%. So he would receive a 20% commission on their closes, providing him with a nice base income.

As his base income continues to grow, it just might motivate the new associates to become managers and build their NetworX, which would also increase your base. You in turn would get a 10% to 30% spread on all earnings from most of your associates and you have no training to do, no payroll problems.

No more worrying that your marketing program will be in the hands of others instead of a lender who knows YOUR business inside and out like we do.

Need leads? we got them too.

You see, we know all about your business, and we do all the work for you.


To enroll or to  learn more about Loan Officer NetworX call 209-586-4769.

Thanks you for visiting our web site.

Loan Officer NetworX is a Association for Loan Officers Nationwide.

  Loan agent job latest news!

  • Top Commission and overrides on Loan Agents you introduce  to  Loan Officer NetworX !

  • Go Direct and Be The Best .   Imagine the power of a system that enables loan originators to instantly find the best loan program and pricing for their borrowers. Now the LON offers this advantage to Brokers and other originators who can now easily obtain instant pre-approvals AND risk-adjusted pricing for their borrowers from their own computers, at their own leisure, within minutes - even while their borrowers are still completing the application.

  • Once you have access to our web based  automated underwriting and our one-minute scenario and pricing  system  you will not go anywhere else. You will become the Best LO with our technology.

  • LON has successfully hired Financial Planners, Insurance Agencies, Realtors and Mortgage Brokers who represent 1000's of LO's nationwide because of this software. It allows any professional like Life, Health, and  P&C Insurance Brokers, Realtors, CPAs and Financial Planners to offer mortgage solutions to their clients and significant additional commissions to them without them having to learn everything about mortgages. 
    Thank you for visiting our website.

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